New Telemedicine Platform to Launch in August

On Tuesday, Aug. 22, Samaritan Health Services will roll out its new telemedicine platform — the Epic Video Client. Work is underway now to ensure the service will be easy to access and use by patients and clinicians alike.

“The Epic Video Client will replace the other platforms that we have been using during the past couple of years, when telemedicine visits became an accepted standard of care during the pandemic,” said Jan Hull, director of Information Services Design and Operations.

“Patients will find the new platform easy to manage,” Hull explained. “They will receive communications about the transition, reminders about upcoming telemedicine appointments, and tips for easy access through their MyChart accounts. Patients who do not have a MyChart account can receive notifications through email.”

The new platform gives health care professionals the ability to securely launch video visits, update clinical documentation and review patient histories within the Epic electronic health records system.

One interesting feature is the ability for patients, clinicians and support staff to add family members and language interpreters to a patient’s telehealth visit.

Stay tuned for more information as the rollout date approaches.

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