Asian woman and man hiking

Walk With Ease

Walk With Ease is a physical activity program that is proven to help reduce pain and stiffness from arthritis and will improve overall health. You will learn how to be more active and confident while managing persistent health conditions.

This class meets three times a week for 6 weeks, 18 total sessions, for one hour.

Topics include:

  • Movement for all fitness levels.
  • Walking, stretching, strengthening exercises.
  • Motivational strategies.

All virtual workshops will meet online as a small group workshop, on either Teams or Zoom. You will need access to a webcam video, speakers, and a microphone so we can see and hear you.

Once you have registered a confirmation email will be sent with further instructions and a link to join the class.

Find a workshop.

To learn more about our free workshops email [email protected] or call 541-768-6811.

Register by Phone:  541-768-6811

Register by Email:   [email protected]

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